

Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest and home to diverse neighborhoods, 零售巨头, 还有大联盟的运动队. 随着人口的增长, 经济扩张, 高速公路和地面街道非常拥挤, 西雅图是品牌使用户外广告的理想市场. 澳门银河赌博平台注册 owns and operates over 100 high-impact Outdoor Advertising displays, 为西雅图地铁及周边地区提供战略覆盖.

澳门银河赌博平台注册户外不断增长的西雅图户外媒体澳门银河赌博平台注册包括公告, 数字广告牌, 以及市中心黄金地段的壁景, I-5, 和99号公路, 以及整个西雅图和周边地区的地面街道. Our coverage reaches from Tacoma (Pierce County) in the south which has recently won recognition as one of the hottest housing markets in the country, 包括西雅图市中心和市中心, 太空针塔附近, 靠近海鹰队, 雷霆, 和水手体育场, 以及斯诺霍米什县北部都会区蓬勃发展的郊区, 潘恩菲尔德机场和波音公司的埃弗雷特设施. 户外澳门银河赌博平台注册战略性地放置在西雅图都会区, 我们保证你们品牌的广告信息会引起注意.


人口超过70万,都市圈超过3万.4 million residents, Seattle offers a robust consumer base ready to engage with your brand. What makes this market particularly enticing is its diverse and tech-savvy population. 根据美国最近的数据.S. 人口普查局, Seattle has one of the highest percentages of college-educated residents among major U.S. 城市. This educated demographic presents a prime target audience for businesses looking to make an impact.

近年来,西雅图经历了快速增长和住房需求激增. 根据西北多重上市服务公司的报告, the Seattle metro area consistently ranks among the hottest housing markets in the nation. This influx of residents brings increased consumer spending power and offers excellent opportunities for businesses seeking to target homeowners, 租房者, 以及更广泛的西雅图社区.

这座城市以其令人叹为观止的自然美景而闻名, 包括风景如画的海滨, 茂盛的公园, 美丽的山景. Outdoor advertising in Seattle allows brands to seamlessly integrate into the fabric of the city, connecting with residents and visitors alike as they navigate its bustling streets and engage in outdoor activities.

有效地挖掘西雅图的广告潜力, 与信誉良好的户外广告提供商合作是必不可少的. 澳门银河赌博平台注册, 一个值得信赖的行业领导者, 为西雅图独特的市场提供广泛的广告解决方案. 从战略定位的广告牌到迷人的数字显示器, 澳门银河赌博平台注册户外确保您的品牌获得最大的知名度和影响力.


  • 家庭


  • 通勤者

    西雅图27%的土地由街道组成, 人行道上, 及其他与交通有关的公共空间

  • 娱乐

    职业运动队:西雅图海鹰, 西雅图的海妖, 西雅图水手队, 西雅图风暴, 西雅图国王FC, 西雅图雷霆, 西雅图Seawolves


我们的户外媒体公司采取了一种独特的方式, 亲力亲为的客户服务方式, 拥有超过100年行业经验的户外广告专家. 我们的户外媒体澳门银河赌博平台注册是高质量的, 在西雅图地铁市场的关键位置 , 无可挑剔地维护显示器, LED照明技术, 最先进的数字显示和更多. 我们的首要任务是确保您的品牌处于最佳状态, 我们达到了你们的广告目标, 充分利用你的营销资金, 最大化你的广告活动的效果.


Pacific’s pairing of experienced professionals and high-profile outdoor media inventory, 创造精品购买体验. We will personally help you determine which of our many displays will maximize your campaign and help you reach your target audience in the Seattle Metro Market. We offer a strategic sales approach and turn-key customer service; including design, 生产协调, 以及安装服务. Our full-service team will work with you to achieve your advertising objectives efficiently and effectively. 在一起, we will get your message and out-of-home ads (OOH advertising) on the streets and into the minds of consumers.

澳门银河赌博平台注册数字广告牌广告解决方案覆盖2个以上.每周700万人, our large format Wallscapes downtown reach neighborhoods and tourist areas and are part of the urban landscape, and our strategically placed 公告 on I-5 and in exclusive areas around the Seattle market can’t be ignored!


14'x48 '和20'x60 '

  • 位于交通繁忙的地方,如高速公路 & 主要十字路口
  • 有效的信息传递,针对日常通勤者在很长一段时间
  • 大规模吸引观众的注意力 & 品牌知名度



  • 独特的大小 & 在交通繁忙的地区,戏剧性的位置创造了壮观的地标
  • 具有动态效果 & 不寻常的执行,促进最大的品牌曝光
  • Visible to pedestrians, bicyclists, and other traffic in the heart of downtown Seattle


14'x48 '和20'x60 '

  • 8-10秒广告轮换提供最大的分布 & 快速可见性
  • 允许频繁的创意更新,而不增加生产成本
  • 能够实时流式传输动态内容


  1. 户外广告就是其中之一 CPM最低 media platforms, making it an efficient as well as effective choice for clients big and small. 
  2. It is a 24-hour medium that you can’t tune out, turn off, click through, block, or throw away. 
  3. 户外媒体营销 移动搜索量增加54% 是社交媒体中分享最多的媒介之一.
  4. OOH advertising delivers real people and actual impressions with no fear of bots or false clicks.


Eight of the Top Ten brands in the US use OOH and Pacific Outdoor offers you the opportunity to stand alongside these big brands to amplify the credibility and legitimacy of your brand. 在我们这个高度流动的社会, commuting is a way of life; Pacific Outdoor will help you reach your customer while they are on the move. Whether they are commuting, shopping, dining, or recreating, Pacific will reach your customer. We can help you broadly reach large audiences throughout the Seattle market and assist you in targeting key neighborhoods or demographics that are relevant to your business.

Please contact us online or give our Seattle team a call (206) 536-3600 and let us put 澳门银河赌博平台注册’s Billboards, 数字广告牌, 和壁景为你工作!


澳门银河赌博平台注册在各方面都是一流的公司. The team demonstrates a strong collaborative and innovative spirit by using forward-thinking strategies. 很明显,Pacific Outdoor以注重细节而自豪, 做事有条理,乐于接受建设性的反馈, 使我们的业务关系毫不费力. 与这样一个才华横溢、值得信赖的团队一起工作是一件非常愉快的事情.
在我们与他们合作的十年里,他们提供了非凡的客户服务, 对请求的响应和提出一些伟大的想法. 他们使改变我们竞选活动的过程变得容易. 他们有一个紧密的团队,与客户紧密合作. 我们期待着在未来的许多年里与他们合作.
The professionals at Pacific Outdoor have played a critical role in implementing various Outdoor strategies. They presented us a turnkey experience that delivers the results we expect for our clients. 他们管理着从创意到制作的整个过程, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, 安装和性能证明. Pacific Outdoor has also demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Our Pacific Outdoor salesperson provides outstanding customer service and support while making us feel like a priority. Pacific Outdoor makes the process so easy and is willing to work with us on budget and timeframes for our campaigns.
Dr. 美国马丁航空公司
I've worked with Pacific Outdoor for nearly a decade using outdoor media to create leadership positions for our client's brands. 我一直觉得他们理解我们想要达到的目标, 带来专业知识和创造性的解决方案,帮助我们取得成功. 周围都是好人.
Pacific Outdoor took the time to understand our clients changing needs and strategies as people's daily lives began to shift. 他们帮助我们管理从生产开始的整个过程, 澳门银河赌博平台注册的建议, 安装和性能证明. 我们的澳门银河赌博平台注册户外销售人员反应很快,总是很方便. 我们的计划是无缝的,我们的活动产生了结果. Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times. You guys were great in offering us the bonus locations and have always been very supportive of staying within my budget.
Pacific Outdoor takes the time to understand our needs and goes above and beyond to execute an excellent outdoor advertising campaign. They constantly put their best foot forward accommodating and quickly addressing all last minute requests and changes. 在这些不可预见/充满挑战的时期, 澳门银河赌博平台注册是一个真正的合作伙伴, 为客户提供创造性的解决方案并履行承诺.
Pacific Outdoor put a cost effective and highly visible campaign together for me that brought immediate customer and employee feedback, 每个人都提到了广告牌!